Thursday, March 11, 2010

Groupon of the Day - March 11

Thanks to a friend of mine, I've discovered this wonderful Groupon website that offers great discounts. I haven't purchased anything from it yet, but I have been tempted to way tooo many times because of the deals. I only look at it for the deals in Atlanta but they have deals from all over. It's definitely worth checking out!

Today's Deal:
$45 One year Family Membership to the High Museum of Art (Value $90)

Today's Side Deal:
$150 All inclusive Sushi Party at your home! (Value $300)

Groupon Website

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Chank! You need to use MY referral! hehee
its a great site, I've bought a $49 for haircut/color a A La Mode, $10 for $25 worth of food to Fotaine's, $89 for teeth whiten at Atlanta Dental Spa!
Its like!