Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Today I just wanted to share some of the pictures I took while I strolled around downtown Pittsburgh...or at least I thought it was was a pretty day out and I walked around the theater area, walked down by the water, and walked across the bridge and back...

I stopped at a stoplight waiting to cross...just happened to glance to my right and saw this on the sign...

This is the shower head that I had in my hotel bathroom...I was talking about it the next day to the other flight attendants and the pilots...telling them that I loved it and how the pressure was perfect...the pilot said...

"You do know why there's TWO shower heads don't you?  lol

1 comment:

veterankindergartenteacher said...


I am going to Pittsburgh for a conference in June. I love the pics. They give me a little snapshot portrait of the city.
