Thursday, April 8, 2010

Throat Punch Thursdays!!!

I have been patiently waiting for this weeks Throat Punch Thursday!!!  I didn't want to write about it before because when this happened all I could think about was...I have to write about this on my blog for throat punch!  So here goes...

I travel you all for my birthday this year my friend bought me a travel I can stop spending money on delivery orders, takeouts, all those extra delivery charges, expensive hotel restaurant food, and tips on top of all that...I absolutely LOVE my travel cooker...I bring soup, pasta, macaroni, basically anything liquid that I can cook and have been saving money on food ever since...

Well right before my last trip my sister made spaghetti...I decided to take some left over pasta noodles with me on my trip (without the sauce on it of course)...I took it and was going to cook the soup when I get to the hotel and pour the soup over my pasta...

When I got to the hotel I cooked the soup, and took out my smelled bad...really really bad...I was mad of course that it had gone bad but didn't want to risk getting sick by eating I went downstairs to the restaurant and asked them if I could get some pasta, just plain pasta, no sauce, no nothing...

First of all, the lady looked at me like I was a freaking alien from outer space...then she said that they only have spaghetti on the childs menu and they are strict on not serving that unless you're under 8yrs old...

I explained to her my situation and that I have the sauce already made and just really needed an order of plain noodles...I mean, how hard could that possibly be???  She said she would go talk to the manager...

The manager came out, and I had to tell her my story all over again...She said she will go ask the chef...what? you're the have to go ask the chef just for something as simple as plain noodles???

She came out, and said that the chef said it was ok for me to get it...BUT...because I am NOT a child...they will have to charge me DOUBLE what the childs price was...I did mention I am getting PLAIN, NO SAUCE, JUST PLAIN ORDER OF NOODLES right?

Double meant that the noodles would then cost me TWELVE DOLLARS

She didn't give me a chance to even think about it...She said let me ring you up here at the I just followed her over to the bar and paid for it...I know...I'm dumb for following...She left to go put in the order and whatever else she does back there...left me standing there at the bar waiting...fuming this whole time...for a whole thirty minutes before my order appeared before me!!!

In what world do you charge $12 for regular pasta?????? @#!#$#@#$  Why didn't I just get a whole dinner entree then?  It probably would've cost less for a whole entree!  Wouldn't you think that normally if someone wants to just buy the pasta plain with no sauce, which you guys probably already had it all cooked, boiled, and ready, that it should be CHEAPER, not more???  Even if you don't charge me cheaper, then fine, just charge me the regular price that you normally had it on the childs menu!  But you just HAD to charge me double because I am NOT a child????  And does it take THIRTY minutes to cook pasta???

Never again will I bring pasta already cooked...This pasta noodles was so overpriced I thought I should take a picture of it and remember it here you go...take a look at the world's only $12 plain spaghetti noodles...and cherish it with me...


kawaiicent said...

you better have savored each and every bite! Don't u know to bring extra pasta with you?!! sheesh

Tree said...

OMG! That's crazy. I hope those $12 noodles were good! LOL

One Savvy Mom! said...

That's terrible!! I would have found someone to complain to! That's just me though...I'm a little loud....(from Ny:-) What can I say?)
Hi :-)
New follower here from the Friday Follow! You can follow me at
Have a wonderful weekend!

Happy Gramma said...

That is what you call "Highway Robbery." It is insane that they should charge you $12 for noodles!

I am following from FF. Please visit me and enter my two giveaways. One is very short and ends Monday noon, so don't wait!