WooHoo...I finally made it in time to put in my very first friday follow! I hope I am doing this right, if I'm not, please let me know!!! I am #151 on the list! :D
By the way, double woohoo for me today as I went for another walk in the park! Only 2 laps around the park this time, but still, its something!
Here's how YOU can join the Friday Follow celebration:
•* Link up your blog name and URL using the MckLinky below. Only need to add on one blog to be seen on all the blog hops.
•* Grab the Friday Follow button and include on your Friday Follow blog post.
•* Follow the Friday Follow hostesses listed in the first 3 slots.
•* Follow as many other blogs on the linky as you'd like
•* Take a moment to comment on the blogs telling them you're from Friday Follow
•* Follow back when you get a new follower through Friday Follow
The list is new each week. The links do not carry over. Please link up each week for new participants to find your blogs. The list is only open to add your blog links on Fridays. It will be visible all week to visit the blogs listed.
Welcome to Friday Follow!! I'm already a follower, but thought I would say HI!
I am here from FF and am now following you. I hope you follow me back. Happy Easter.
Hi I'm Barb from Fri Follow..Sorry I'm late..Have been sick..Anyway this is my 2nd Fri Follow 7 I love it.. I know you will too. Welcome to the gang!!
I hope you get a chance to visit my blog @ santasgiftshoppe.blogspot.com
& get inspired by something for your family/home. I hope you will follow me as well.
Also I'm having a Link Party Monday April 12th called "My Creative Space" @ Santa's Gift Shoppe Year Round..Would love you to join in (reciopes, crafts, tutorials, tips, makeovers, whatever)
Hello, I am visiting and following from Friday Follow! So glad you joined in and see you again on Friday.
p.s. Great job on the second walk in the park! You inspired me to get back to exercising too.
~ Lynn
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