Friday, April 2, 2010

Master of Procrastination

I am working sign in is not until the afternoon, but still...I have not packed, I still need to do laundry in order to pack, and I have to find food to bring on my trip as well, oh and I never did go buy the conditioner I needed to bring on my trip...

Instead, what am I doing or what have I been doing, you ask?  I have been sitting here, writing my blog...and endlessly reading other blogs, following blogs, and commenting on blogs...I do believe blogs have taken over my world...

I do not know why I am such a procrastinator...I always always wait until the absolute last minute when I really have to do it before I complete something...this is a has become a disease...and yet I do not know how to stop or prevent it from happening...Is there a procrastination anonymous I can enroll in?

It is now almost 2am here where I let me stop posting, reading, and go finish my laundry so I can pack...and then try to go to sleep so I can wake up and go to work...

damn...forgot to fill out my census form once again...another thing I put off...when are these due by the way???  or are they now past due?


Kat said... is now past 3am...not sleeping yet b/c got caught with some more blogs to read...seriously...this is turning into an addiction

Hear Mum Roar said...

Go to bed, you'll feel so much better! The blogging world never stops, and I promise we'll all be here tomorrow:)

Elyse said...

Stopping by from SITS ... you are the blog before me. And we should be friends ... I do all my blogging usually at 4:30 AM.

Unknown said...

I completely understand how you are feeling! I procrastinate all the time. I have been doing a lot of thinking about it and hope to get a better handle on getting things done. Hope you had a great weekend!

Nicole said...

The census is past due! I forgot mine too :( Anyway thanks for stopping by my blog :) Vegas is this Wed to sat! I CANNOT wait!

Anonymous said...

Hi, this is Jacki from What's a Mom to DO? and this is my response to your comment to my post about energy bills:

Most energy companies charge you less when you use electricity during off hours. Because so many companies use electricity during the day, the usage is greater than at night. Between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. are the hours most people are NOT using electricity, so it is cheaper to use it. (Hence why we have daylight savings time - people don't use lights as much.)

Also, I am now following you and would you please follow me back?

Thanks, and thank you for your comment!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeh, where are you going?
