I don't know about you, and I'm fortunate that I have not had to go through that, but I am pretty damn sure that I would be a complete wreck if I was told (knock on wood) that I had breast cancer...and then only to endure the procedure and be told that I never had breast cancer? I think I would kill that doctor...
BUT...it gets worst...They found out...that she had made this SAME EXACT MISTAKE BEFORE! So now two women suffered because of her! She made this mistake before and the hospital did Nothing??? She voluntarily quit operating after the incident with Laurie, BUT wanted her job back basically just three weeks later....Get this:
The Hospital Gave Her Back Her Privileges!!!

If I was Laurie, I would go burn down the hospital! A "Sorry" just don't cut it...
That's insane! As patients, I wonder what kind of records we can access about our doctors' mistakes.
That's just unthinkable.
It is very scary that things like this actually happen more than we realize. I have seen shows on this where they make mistakes very often. Wrong surgeries, wrong diagnoses, wrong patients. We all have to be so aware and know what is going on.
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