So we bid right, and it got denied, and they offered us another hotel for $120 a night. Well we read some of the reviews and realized that it is not on the strip at all, which we bid for one on the strip. It does not have a casino, so when we stay at the casino late at night on the strip, we would have to walk back to the hotel late at night/early in the morning...and we read that the street to walk back to this hotel from the strip was dark and dangerous...
I called Priceline to try to get my reservation changed or canceled because I said I don't want to stay at a hotel where I would have to worry about our safety when we walk back at night. The first person I talked to just basically was like a ROBOT and recited the "We can't refund or exchange or change the reservation at all." over and over and over I asked to speak to someone higher up...
He transferred me, and "escalated" me to the customers resolution dept...I explained my situation, no casino, resort fee that was not explained or mentioned, not on the strip, price (it was the same exact price I found on another website)... Well he didn't cared, he said the same exact things the first person said...the robotic repeat of the same script OVER AND OVER again.
That just made me so ANGRY. I told him I was frustrated and unhappy with the choice I was given and I haven't even started my vacation yet...I said so you expect me to go ahead and go on my vacation being MAD? He just answered the same robotic sentence over again. I said, "You're not even TRYING to help me, so I would like to speak to your manager."
He said this is already the most escalated dept you can speak to...I was like WHAT?!? don't have a manager? He said, "I do"....and wait for this......
But my manager does not speak to the public!
I was speechless then...I said you know what...I'm going to find my own way.
I'm not even going to go into the details and the time we spend to try to get this resolved...needless to say, Priceline obviously do not care about their customer service skills at all and do not care about their customers! But if you, or someone you know, has had problems with the same situation, this is what you need to do to get it resolved...
We happened to catch the Trump Hotel's manager on the phone when we called the 2nd time. We explained to him our situation and our concerns...Without any blame or hesitation, he said, "Well, if you're not happy with what you got, there is no point for you to stay here, because I don't want you to be unhappy on your vacation."
Words of a truly SUCCESSFUL customer oriented businessman! He said for me to call Priceline back and tell them that he approves our reservation being cancel without any penalties, and he said THEY (PRICELINE) DO THIS ALL THE TIME! So they handle cancellations all the time!
If Priceline would've said to me, I'm sorry we can't cancel this on our end unless you have approval from the hotel...that would've been ok with me! But they didn't, they basically said we can't override our system, there is nothing we can do....but yet the whole time there WAS something they could do!
So for all Consumers out there ~ BEWARE ~ if you have had this happen, now you know this is what you have to do. And I WILL NOT ever use Priceline again ~ EVER! Just because of their customer service, over something that could've been resolved so easily! So please BEWARE and STAY AWAY! There are way too many other competitors out there that you can use that will handle your business much better!
Nice Throat Punch! I would've been pissed too! It is so rude when "customer service" people don't tell you the whole truth and just say no. I also hate when they sound like they are reading from scripts. They could at least change it up a bit so they sound like a real human! So glad that you got everything fixed though!
OMG I would be so MAD! I hate talking to customer service people and getting pushed around. 90% of the time when they say they are going to transfer me to another dept - The phone disconnects!
Thank you SO MUCH for writing this!! Your post enabled me to get my money back from Priceline! We just went through the exact same song and dance and ROBOT rhetoric from them when trying to get them to cancel our reservation at a hotel that is considered DANGEROUS. And you know how we found out it was dangerous? PRICELINE's OWN WEBSITE!! Reviewers state on priceline's website that the hotel is dangerous, dirty, bed bugs, money stolen out of the room, etc etc. And upon reading your website i urged my girlfriend who was on the phone with them to make him call the hotel manager. The guy at Priceline then put her on hold and claimed to have spoken to the manager but there was NOTHING he could do. Funnily enough, we asked if WE could call the manager ourselves and he said yes and when we did the manager at the hotel stated that Priceline NEVER called him!! He NEVER spoke to anyone about our reservation! And without hesitation agreed to cancel our reservation and confirm that with Priceline for us. This was the only way we got our money back. So thank you for posting this!!!!!
Thank you for sharing your tip. I was able to get my money back from Priceline after about 4 hours' phone calls. I got a four-star hotel room in Montreal and it turned out that the hotel has a night club with music going on until 3 AM, which obviously won't work for us traveling with two small kids. The cs reps from priceline did not help at all. Fortunately, I found your post and contacted the hotel directly. After several rounds' talk, finally my trip got cancelled. I don't dare to use PL again. Thanks again.
Awesome! I just did this! Worked like a charm. I feel so empowered (after feeling SO frustrated yesterday after spending an hour on the phone arguing with the robots). I'll never use priceline again and I'll be sure to pass this knowledge along. THANK YOU for posting!
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