Thursday, May 27, 2010

Super Throat Punch Thursday to the Infinity Power

This is super Throat Punch because I am a easy going person and you have somehow made me mad...I still considered you my friend and now wants nothing to do with you...I value friendship and you have made it seem like friendship can be bought and sold at the dollar for you, just for you, H, I give you super throat punch to the infinity power.  May you never recover from this...

Famous quote from Mr. H himself...
Wishes that people would leave the past in the past n only look for now n the future. There is so much BS in this world we live in!

I, for one, totally agree with living in the present.  I might not be very good at it, because I do like to look back into the past and ponder about why certain things didn't go the way it was supposed to...but Mr. H., you have no whatsoever authority to say leave the past in the know why? BECAUSE YOU NEVER MADE IT TO BECOME A PAST!  If you would have been straight forward and told her that its over...guess what...I would totally see it your way.  But unfortunately, you didn' left her thinking that everything is still the effing hell do you expect it to become the past when you never told her to LET GO!!!

There is so much BS in the world we live in...there wasn't until you made the situation what it is...BS is unnecessary, its stressful, and its certainly uncalled for...but you know what...the person who runs from what he is supposed to do, no longer associates with friends that don't agree with what he is doing, and never even bothered explaining his side of the story (because I was definitely waiting, gave you benefit of the doubt, and was waiting to talk to you) is not only BS, but a POS...and all the BS in the world?...came from you, you POS...

I usually forget about things after a nice nap or sleep...but can't seem to get over this when its not even my problem!  I don't think I am even that mad about what you did, H, because all relationships have their issues and problems...but I am so furious at how you handled the situation and our supposed friendship...Apparently, our friendship or whatever the hell it was is totally I have dedicated this super throat punch Thursday to you...and am making a promise to myself that after this post, will eternally not be bothered by this ever again!


VKT said...

I take it someone really made you angry! Shame on him whoever he is. Bless your heart.

In answer to your question on my blog...Teachers have to apply to teach summer school, it isn't a given.

"Iowa Mom" said...

Saying HEY from Friday Follow.
Of course we follow you through GFF, please make sure to stop in and do the same for us :)

HeartsMakeFamilies said...

Hi! I'm running late but here I am. Stopping by from Friday Blog Hop. I am now following. Hope you will stop by my blog and follow when you get a chance :) Have a great weekend!


Unknown said...

Following you from Friday Follow me.
Glad to have found you!

Unknown said...

Found you on Diva Cafe! Sounds like you needed to vent! Sorry about whatever frustration was brought your way! How irritating! Hope you feel better now though!